- 175 Rue Graveline, Saint-Laurent QC
Archive for January 26th, 2023

Migrating legacy PLC programs to modern PLC hardware
Impacted by shrinking municipal budgets, many water/wastewater plants and facilities operate frugally, often running on systems plagued with obsolete hardware and software and patched with years of Band-Aid fixes to remain functional. These patches are not always recorded properly when they are made, and over time, the initially accurate documentation about a facility’s control system […]

Cheat Sheet — Cable Basics
Basic Terminology: Wire vs Cable A wire is a material (or conductor) that conducts electricity. It can be a stranded wire or solid metal conductor. It is often insulated using a nonconductive plastic coating. A cable is a combination (or assembly) of two or more wires, assembled using a single jacket. Nonmetallic-sheathed cable (Type NM) is a cable assembly […]

7 Things About Explosion Proof LED Lighting You Should Know
Working in confined spaces or areas exposed to explosive and flammable gasses, such as hydrogen, methane, propane, and other hydrocarbons, can be very dangerous. In Canada many workers are injured or killed in confined spaces, with 60% of the fatalities being among the rescuers, according to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. This is why hazardous […]